Goodbye Liscannor

The brilliant sunshine has returned to bid me farewell
Waves are lapping, not crashing as before.

The mighty Atlantic takes on the deep blue of the sky
Forms a sharp line to define the horizon.

Magpies returned a few days ago from their summer haunt
To join the jackdaws, pied wagtails and chatty starlings.

A giant ladybug beckons me at the start of my walk
She is a big smooth river stone with a smile on her face

People park by the school to get a better look at the castle ruin
They hurry away with their cameras en route to the Cliffs of Moher.

A little car pulls up on the curb by the church and the window comes down
What time is Mass, do you know? Not sure, eleven or twelve I think.

My only other conversation is with a horse, just before I reach the little harbor
He wants a treat. He insists. He taps his foot on the ground. Again and again.

I haven’t got anything for you I say. But I’ll try to come back with a carrot.
Or a sweetie? Do you want a sweetie? His ears perk up. Yes, a sweetie he says.